Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What is nirvana?

I was in the Catskills. Chillin. How do people do it? Live outside of a 2 block radius of Starbucks? Yet, there I was...chillin with my druggy friends in the most pristine of environments. A monastary/ashram. They call it a yoga ranch so that you won't be freaked out.
I'd like to show you a pix, but this computer is taking for-ev-er.
I'm on a change the way people see the world through comedy. I figure an ashram is as good a place as any to start. So. Ummm. How about that Gita? eh? Bible? no? No takers? Ok.
I went on a yoga retreat, but instead of working out, I found the sunlight of the spirit. Now, if that's not funny, I don't know what is.

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